Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Youth Brilliance Conference", Geneveive Boast and Perry Sophocleous

Speaker's Bio
Genevieve is the founder of Emergency Happiness, a new and bright social enterprise that helps people from all walks of life connect to their inner sparkle.

They specialise in working with young people and young leaders to help them develop personal, business and social leadership abilities. She has spent most of her career in the corporate world working in continuous improvement, leadership coaching and community investment.

"My vision is to inspire people to go out into the world and use their passion and uniqueness to create brilliance wherever they go," says Genevieve.

Perry is a development coach for cricket for change and has hands on experience with working with and connecting with hard to reach young people in their own environment. Perry has and is developing projects using cricket in many hostile estates in London breaking down barriers through the power of engagement .

Perry is a young person himself and 2-3 years ago left college unsure of what direction his life was heading therefore having to work in unsustainable employment to get by. Following on from this, Perry has been working for the charity for 1 and a half years and is now encouraging many other young people to pursue their undiscovered career paths.

"I believe every young person has a destiny to be fulfilled, we just need to open their eyes," says Perry
Youth Brilliance Conference

Local Days and Times
Monday 10th October, Tuesday 11th October

Mon 10:00 - 12:00 USA - Pacific
Mon 13:00 - 15:00 USA - Eastern
Mon 18:00 - 20:00 UK - London
Tues 01:00 - 03:00 China - Beijing
Tues 04:00 - 06:00 Australia - Melbourne

Youth Brilliance Conference
Cricket for Change, Emergency Happiness and The Centre for Social Brilliance are co-creating this global event to give young people the opportunity to express their brilliance and engage with others from all over the world, creating potential for new connections and collaborations.

The session at the Global Coach Conference will be hot on the heels of the 2011 Youth Brilliance Conference and will give you a chance to engage with the energy that has been created and hear about the momentum of youth brilliance initiatives to come.

Cricket For Change
- www.cricketforchange.org.uk
Emergency Happiness
- www.emergencyhappiness.com
Centre for Social Brilliance
- www.socialbrilliance.org
Youth Brillance Conference
- www.wix.com/jackiethoms/youthbrilliance

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