Speakers bio
Kathryne-Alexis believes in living an extraordinary life and enjoying it!
Prompted by her own "wake up" call to well being, Kathryne-Alexis transitioned into the alternative healing fields and life coaching in 1990 after 20 years of working in the creative communication fields of theater, television and motion picture production. She has found her passion for co-creating practical and profound lifestyle shifts for others seeking to shed their past by committing and claiming creatorship and mastery of their own “dreams coming true” through conscious self love.
She is excited to share an overview of a conscious language model learned through her course trainings with Robert Stevens of Mastery Systems, Inc. This model gave new insights and skillsets in truly helping her clients discover their deepest heart’s desires and achieve well-being and a sense of fulfillment by taking control of how they think, speak, and imagine their daily lives, relationships, careers and highest potentials.
To gift as much as possible in an hour a pdf of the Domains of Language and resource list to websites and video links will be available to those on the call. You are welcome to email or contact for chats via skype or phone after the conference is over if you are inspired with questions.
Listen in and let us explode the language of co-dependence into conscious co-empowerment and speaking from the knowing the desired outcome is achieved.
Local Days and Times
Monday 10th October
Mon 08:00 - 10:00 USA - Pacific
Mon 11:00 - 13:00 USA - Eastern
Mon 16:00 - 18:00 UK - London
Mon 23:00 - 01:00 China - Beijing
Tues 02:00 - 04:00 Australia - Melbourne
Title of session
Conscious Language
Format of session
Lecture with live exchange for last ten minutes
Introduction to a Conscious Language Model and the domains of language.Based on the body of work from Mastery Systems Inc. www.MasterySystems.comThe outcome of this knowledge offers several outcomes.
This information offers a new tool to become aware of any possible limitation in how you express yourself verbally through unconscious speech.
The model offers a potential new understanding and way to register where you client is thinking and expressing from. It offers options, upgrades and possibilities in how a change/shift simply of a few words or phrases can achieve their desired outcome.
A system of language that can be a model for early education in a conscious community setting where clear collaborative language is sought.
Web or Blog
http://www.OutrageousPurpose.com (Experience your life and world with new perception)
http://www.VortexEssences.com (vibrational flower essences – Live the High Vibe Life)
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