Speakers bio
Sandi is an accomplished clinical social worker (LICSW) and professional life coach (PCC) with more than 25 years experience working with youth and families in the U.S. Based in Minneapolis, MN, she has provided bilingual services for the past 13 years. Sandi is an experienced national presenter and trainer for professionals working with youth. Sandi’s professional mission is to support teens, young adults and professionals who work with youth. She does this through individual and group coaching, supervision, mentoring, training and consultation.
Contact information: iSupportYOUth.com; sandi@isupportyouth.com; Skype: sandilingren.
Local Days and Times
Weds 16:00 - 18:00 USA - Pacific
Weds 19:00 - 21:00 USA - Eastern
Thurs 00:00 - 02:00 UK - London
Thurs 07:00 - 09:00 China - Beijing
Thurs 10:00 - 12:00 Australia - Melbourne
Title of session
Coaching Youth
Format of session
Lecture (one speaker, not so interactive)
Description of session: Content and Outcomes
Summarizing data collected from youth coaches around the globe (Nov-Dec2010) (54% USA, 46% non-USA), Sandi will share her dissertation summary results in this session. Information will include current youth coaching trends and practices, how coaching supports youth, and aspects for coaches to consider when working with teens and young adults. Sandi will present her Supportive Youth Coaching Model created from this research. This model includes three aspects:
Core Knowledge (the foundational background for effective coaching of youth)
Core Principles (clear guidelines for the coaching experience)
Core Methods (key aspects for coaching youth)
Although much of this workshop will be presenting information, Sandi would like to include time at the end of the presentation to have a discussion about:
Applicability of this model to your own coaching practice
Similarities and differences of coaching youth around the globe
Ideas for future research needed with coaching youth.
Contact information:
Skype: sandilingren
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