Deborah Huisken is an international business coach and consultant with over thirty years of experience working with leaders of small businesses. She participated in one of the very first Bigger Game conversations with founder/creator Laura Whitworth of the Coaches Training Institute, and worked with Laura during the first year of the model’s development leading up to the first Train the Trainer sessions. She is a certified Bigger Game facilitator, and will be offering a Bigger Game Tele-seminar starting in September.
Local Days and Times
Weds 20:00 - 22:00 USA - Pacific
Weds 23:00 - 01:00 USA - Eastern
Thurs 04:00 - 06:00 UK - London
Thurs 11:00 - 13:00 China - Beijing
Thurs 14:00 - 15:00 Australia - Melbourne
Title of session
Coaching a Bigger Game
Format of session
Workshop (one speaker, very interactive)
Description of session: Content and Outcomes
This event is for coaches who want to stay awake and alive to the possibilities in your life and business during these times of great change, and who want to help their clients to do so, too.
This taster session on The Bigger Game will help you get in touch with what you’re hungry for in your life and business, what’s compelling about what you are doing today, and what you want to do with your future. An overview of a two-day workshop, you will leave with an understanding of this tool and its relevance both for taking your business to the next level, and for helping your clients do so. It is a powerful stimulus to innovation and change that has been used by teams in IBM and Marriott, and with individuals and groups around the world (
This will be an experiential session. You are invited to think about the areas of your life or work where you want to take things to the next level, because this Bigger Game conversation will help you do that. When you have done that for yourself, you will be better able to do that for and with your clients.
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