Monday, August 22, 2011

"Giving it away", Anthony Eldridge Rogers

Speakers bio
Anthony is a trained coach, taking certification with CTI (Coaches Training Institute) an ICF accredited training organisation. He runs the recently set up Recovery Coach Training & Consultancy with two coach colleagues as well as the Foundation for Recovery Coaching, a registered charity.

Anthony has a lifetime experience in recovery. He has spent thousands of hours learning about recovery and assisting people to make one.

He has developed and presented workshops on Mastering Recovery from Addiction as well as developing a recovery coach training programme. He runs a private coaching practice and consultancy covering the field of recovery coaching and creativity and leadership and works with clients across the world from the US, EU and Africa.

He is a board member of RCI, (Recovery Coaches International).

He is a member of various coaching organisations in the UK, US and South Africa and is a Fellow of the RSA in the UK where he has recently set up a coaching & mentoring network.

Local Days and Times
Thurs 02:00 - 04:00 USA - Pacific
Thurs 05:00 - 07:00 USA - Eastern
Thurs 10:00 - 12:00 UK - London
Thurs 17:00 - 19:00 China - Beijing
Thurs 20:00 - 22:00 Australia - Melbourne

Title of session
Giving it away
How I learned that giving it away was a sure fire way to prosperity and fulfilment as a coach

Format of session
Workshop (one speaker, very interactive)

Description of session: Content and Outcomes
For years I have been bothered by the gross monetization of everything in our modern culture. Overly influenced (in my view) by American thinking there has been some widely promoted perspectives such as “If someone does not pay for something they don’t value it”, “Giving your services away devalues them.”, “Only new / beginners coaches and those who have low self esteem give away coaching”. There are more but these will do.

In this session I will take a look at how these types of perspectives block true coach expression, work against the most important tool of all good coaches compassion and why I was taught much of this my meeting one of the USA’s most successful coaches.


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