Friday, August 19, 2011

"Coaching Young Adults", Brad Wilmot

Picture Speakers bio
Brad Wilmot is first and foremost the proud and ecstatically happy father of Mandy's and his young Son, Jack, born in July 2007. Jack's arrival into their lives, ten years in the making, is regarded by both parents to be the most sensational, rewarding and thrilling event possible, and when asked: "What has changed in your life since having children?", Brad simply replies: "The fact that I talk about my Son all the time!"

Brad has been fortunate enough to enjoy a highly successful career in banking, IT, marketing and finance and his diverse corporate experience in these fields allow him to operate from a unique vantage point in coaching. In the early 2000’s, Brad founded Personal Journeys (Pty) Ltd, a company that specialises in the field of human sciences. The company’s services include team-building exercises, specialist training courses, executive and life coaching, research engagements, psychometric assessments and broad-based facilitation interventions. He holds a number of degrees and diplomas in commerce, marketing and finance, has several post-graduate qualifications in training and coaching to his name, and is a certified coach with the ICF.

Brad has always had a passion for people and more so for being a catalyst in assisting people to live their lives to maximum potential. He is primarily involved in coaching young adults and has almost ten years experience in this arena. Brad’s works takes him from private schools to university campuses, and then on to coaching these same clients in the corporate world once they have made the leap from tertiary education to a chosen career path. It has taken hard work, perseverance and continuous research and innovation to be in the position where he humbly works with around five hundred clients a year in a very demanding yet rewarding job.

Brad is a self-confessed addict for living life to the full, and remains ever-grateful to his wife for her continued understanding and patience! Brad and Mandy own a farm in the coastal town of Paternoster in the Western Cape, which is their true home away from home. Brad is a notably successful breeder of Golden Retrievers, or his four-legged children as Mandy calls them, and he regularly sojourns to Paternoster with his 'Golden Girls' to raise a litter of puppies or to watch them swim in the bay at sunset. Brad has had a life-long passion for Mercedes Benz and treasures a carefully chosen collection of these fabulous motor cars that constantly require new batteries due to lack of use!

It's the simple things in life that keep Brad alive, motivated and inspired: the love for his wife and son, the appreciation and special relationship with his Golden Retrievers, the adventure and enjoyment received from many different hobbies, and the pursuit of true happiness by living somewhere special and touching people's lives every day.

Brad can be contacted or on +27 (0) 83-327-7222.

Local Days and Times
Mon 16:00 - 18:00 USA - Pacific
Mon 19:00 - 21:00 USA - Eastern
Tues 00:00 - 02:00 UK - London
Tues 07:00 - 09:00 China - Beijing
Tues 10:00 - 12:00 Australia - Melbourne

Title of session
Coaching Young Adults

Format of session
Workshop (one speaker, very interactive)

Description of session: Content and Outcomes
Brad’s interactive presentation will focus on the amazing, adventurous and demanding world of coaching young adults though various stages in their lives, sharing techniques and tips on how to own this rich space as a coach and how to successfully deliver value to a burgeoning segment of the coaching market.

Brad is based at several of the Universities in South Africa, runs a private practice specializing in coaching young adults and also has a few select corporate clients, all of which allow him to start working with someone in their late teens and continue to work with them as they move into their late twenties.

The presentation and discussion will focus on the following:

• Young Adults (17-27) – the burgeoning market;
• How to make a name for yourself as a life coach to age-appropriate client bases;
• Techniques for coaching young adults including a powerful coaching style called “Discussion Coaching”;
• What to expect when coaching young adults! Many a story in this segment!
• The mind of a young adult and the coaching expectations of a young adult;
• Client retention from 17 years old to a mature adult/client;
• Some secrets from the “do” and “do not” list (as gathered with much experience!);
• Tips on group coaching for young adults (a very dynamic way of coaching young adults);
• Self-preservation! NB! What I have learnt about looking after one’s self as a coach when you work with large numbers of demanding yet fascinating clients in the young-adult segment of the market;
• Open discussion within the time available!

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