Speaker Bio
As someone who is passionate about liberating everyone's most brilliant potential, Joanna is excited to be part of this unique event.
She has worked with hundreds of people from around the world coaching them to discover their own unique ways of living brilliant lives.
As a coach she playfully and easily co-creates what wants to happen for all the people she connects with, moment by moment. Living and working in Asia Joanna sits at the heart of one of the fastest developing parts of the world.
She has created a business in an international hub of diversity where people from many different cultures connect in one small dynamic island. She works with leaders and people from all over the region and brings new perspectives and engages with the bigger potential that can transform the world we live in. Part of the Visionary Network.
Local Days and Times
Monday 10th October, Tuesday 11th October
Mon 06:00 - 08:00 USA - Pacific
Mon 09:00 - 11:00 USA - Eastern
Mon 14:00 - 16:00 UK - London
Mon 21:00 - 23:00 China - Beijing
Tues 00:00 - 02:00 Australia - Melbourne
Title of session
Coach Yourself Brilliantly
Format of session
Seminar (one speaker, quite interactive)
Description of session: Content and Outcomes
Now is the time for all of us on the planet to step fully into our own power and start living and contributing from there. Nothing to fix or change - just more of the natural talents and gifts that we all bring. 'Coach yourself Brilliantly' offers you ways to do this effortlessly.
Taken from all the brilliant things that I have learnt and seen as a coach across many different areas of life I will offer some ways to empower yourself and others to truly get in the driving seat of our own lives and live brilliantly from there.
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