Monday, October 25, 2010

Global Coach Events Calendar

As a Speaker at the GCC you probably know about the beneficial synergies of having your events visible alongside other coaches' events. When people look at one GCC Coach's events they can also see your events; and can freely choose which events to join.

the Global Coach Events Calendar

I have created the Global Coach Events Calendar so that you can display your coaching-related events alongside those being run by the other GCC Coaches - all year, all around the globe. You administer your events yourself. The calendar is respectfully shared by the GCC Speakers.

How do you use it?
There are two things to do, Edit and Display.

How do you put your events on the Global Coach Events Calendar?
Once you have the password, you can log in and then add and edit your own events. In the description you can include a brief intro and a link to your website where people can sign up for example.

How can people see your events in their local times?
You can add your choice of calendar to your website or blog!

The Calendar is Global - What about time zones?
That's easy. The calendar is based on London Time.
  • When you EDIT there is a solution that allows you to see the time in other parts of the world. 
  • When you DISPLAY the calendar on your website or blog, you simply use the versions you need. There are "local time" versions of the calendar for Pacific, Eastern, UK, India, China and Australia.
    All versions of the calendar have the same events - displayed with correct local times. See the examples below.
What does it cost?
Until 2011 this service is cost free, after that if you want to continue it will cost 100 USD for 2011. This money will be used to further support the work with the GCC.

USA Central Time

London Local Time

China Local Time

Attract, Convert, Retain - with Terri Levine

If you are working hard running your coaching company, you should give Terri Levine a listen. Whether you agree with her methods or not, she will get your head spinning in a way that may well make a difference to your income...

The Power of Coaching in Education

During the GCC2010 I had the honour of working with Keith Miller...

Keith Miller is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and the Director of Education Programs for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Listening to the Echoes of GCC2010

I have been spending a 'few hours' editing the forty or so raw recordings. I am clipping off the first few minutes of chatter as people came online, as well as the last few hurried "goodbyes" before the session gets cut off. All this is taking time... and in November the whole conference will be published on the GCC website.

I am using Audacity of course!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Words: Maestro > GCC > Freeconference

Just so you know that Maestro Conference is quickly and honestly owning up to the mess on Monday when we had to move all the sessions to Freeconference.

Maestro Conference > GCC
"On behalf of the MaestroConference team I'd like to express our sincere apology for the technical issue that occurred early this morning... the timing couldn't have been worse for you ..."

And the GCC had a few words to say to Freeconference
"We moved a LOT of sessions in a BIG hurry from Maestro to Freeconference... Your service saved my reputation as a conference organiser."

Tuesday 12th
Nine sessions, back to back. What a smooth day! I have deeply enjoyed the conversations, information and inspiration from hearing coaches share their perspectives on coaching. We now have the recordings to look forward to. Recorded sessions Want a copy? Go here

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smooth Operator

We have been running the GCC sessions through Freeconference today... and it's been smooooooth running all day. Like a long journey on a train, having conversations with some cool coaches about how human awareness is evolving on the planet and how we are instrumental in easing that evolution.

When we call in to Freeconference we are entertained by music... "Smooth Operator", by Sade

Yesterday - all my troubles seemed so far away

After the Speakers Briefing on Sunday, on Skype, I felt quite sure that the Conference would run smoothly. All fifty professional coaches were taking care of all the details of their inspirational sessions, sending out materials, e-mailing participants, keeping track of phone numbers, and dozens of pins.

And boom!
During Monday 11th October we sent 173 people crashing into a conference line that didn't work. You can imagine their disappointment, confusion and irritation. Not to mention the expense of calling the same US number several times only to hear beep-beep-beep. Not quite what we had in mind.

And then the e-mails came!
At the same time as I was listening to the beeps, chatting on Skype with those who knew my Skypename coach.martin.richards there was an influx of e-mails asking what had happened to the Conference. Most of the e-mails were polite and constructive - lots of ideas!

The  reason for the crash - in case it's of interest
The server at Maestro had crashed - and nobody there knew about it because they were asleep.
(The Conference started 3am Pacific time)

So what's next?
We have a Backup Plan (hastily asembled and implemented following an idea and support from Anthony Eldridge Rogers - thanks Ant). We moved the whole conference to Freeconference.  Genius!

Every session (except two) now have the same phone number and PIN
Phone number, 1 - 219 - 509 - 8222
PIN 149233#

1) Wednesday How to get your clients to “Change for Good” by using this simple method, Jayne Blumenthal
Phone 1 - 270 - 696 2525

2) Thursday "Horses, Coaching and Wow..." Monique Morimoto Flaherty
Phone 1 - 270 - 400 - 2000

Inspiration and Perspiration
If success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, we should be on to a winning combination!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maestro? I don't think so

I have no confidence in Maestro

Having put a significant amount of time and energy into moving over 1000 bookings from Eventbrite to Maestro we have experienced the lowest possible level of service.

  • None of the conference sessions could be run through Meastro, none.
  • No response to e-mails sent to their "Customer Support", none
At least they are consistent!

Here's what they claim on their website
"At MaestroConference, we are driven by a commitment to customer success and dedicated to a great customer experience. Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary resources to become a Maestro. We strive to make our service number one in every way and welcome your feedback and suggestions."

I suggest that they turn up for work!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Counting down in hours

There's a calmness about today that I didn't expect. Since there's so little time to make adjustments and check vital information I was half expecting a rush of e-mails asking for PINS and support. The GCC e-mail "IN" tray is empty.

Conclusion: All the Speakers are professionals and have got everything under control.

I shall spend today in the sunshine and wait for the GCC2010 to be born on Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Almost Sunday 10-10-10

One of the key reasons for the GCC2010 starting this Sunday is the prettiness of the date. It's a date that works in all the participating countries, some of which write the date with the month at the start, others with the month in the middle.

10-10-10 has also inspired others


And guess what the starting date is for next year?
Yes, you guessed it 11-11-11, and it's a Friday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

18 pages of PINS and names

No wonder my head has been in a spin for the past couple of weeks. I just printed out the list of GCC sessions, with the PIN codes for each of the named Speakers and Hosts. It turned out to be 18 pages long.

What's the learning here? Obviously when there's two or three people involved in each session, and there's 50 sessions that adds upto a lot of people to keep track of. And most, if not all, of that information is gathered in one place - my head. Thank goodness for fast printers! And I realise that I need to spread that info to the others in the GCC Team. The success of this conference depends on me keeping healthy for the next two weeks.

So - a fat e-mail will be sent to the GCC Team, NOW

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speakers + Hosts = GCC

I'm adding a Host to each of the 50 GCC sessions
Martin Richards

Collaboration at the highest level.
Many of this year's Speakers have volunteered to Host, ie introduce another Speaker, hold the Q&A session, move the participants into small groups and generally serve the Speaker during their session.

Fast and Efficient
It took three months to organise the Speakers - and has taken three weeks to organise the Hosts. Mostly thanks to Dorothy Eckes for holding the Excel sheet of Speakers and Hosts.

Dorothy Eckes

And a mention too for Anthony Eldridge Rogers for spotting the errrrrrorrs.
Anthony Eldridge Rogers

and of course, Soleira Green, for positive feedback (just when I need it).
Soleira Green

 The above people are the GCC Team who have created this year's conference.
Nearly there... draft schedule with Hosts is on GCC website.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a more personal note

As we get closer to this massive virtual conference I notice that I am becoming more focused on logistics, numbers and facts; answering questions, solving problems and generally dealing with the "nitty gritty" of co-ordinating a thousand participants. We must be nearly "there".

At the same time...
I am swimming in JOY at watching the GCC grow and begin to make its impact the world. People from around the world are sending me e-mails with thanks, appreciation, encouragement and also admiration. Yes, I / we have created something wonderful that speaks to many hundreds of people (mainly coaches), and I am happy to share that joyful creation with so many amazing coaches. Just look at you! Look at us. Is this what I wanted to create? Yes. And thanks for doing that with me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

KEYNOTE SPEECH with Shelle Rose Charvet

I usually dislike competitions, and I seem to be fascinated by numbers especially when they get closer to a goal. The target for the number of participants at the GCC 2010 is a thousand, and today there are 885 tickets booked. We have widened the rooms to make space for 40-50 people at the time, and have a total of 2330 places available. We don't aim to fill the spaces, we aim to fill the participants with experience, energy, and enthusiasm for what coaches and coaching can do for the world.

Most booked session (so far)

KEYNOTE SPEECH with Shelle Rose Charvet
Every person is different. The coaching world has developed many approaches, but at the heart of every methodology is the aim of helping people reach their full potential. International speaker, author and coach, Shelle Rose Charvet opens the 2010 Global Coach Conference with her insights into how to create positive changes through language.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Three Weeks to Go - Moving to Maestro

We are moving into the last phase now, and moving to Maestro

There's just three weeks to go and we this weekend we are moving all the Speakers to the Maestro Conference system, and then on 2nd October we shall move the Participants there too. This will give everyone a unique PIN code. The Speakers get a special PIN code, so that we can readily identify them in the Main Conference Room. The Participants will get their unique PIN codes so when can see when they arrive and when they have a question to ask, in the Conductor's Panel. See below.

This is what the Maestro Conference Conductor's Panel looks like.
You can see that the Presenters and Assistants have different colours to the other people on the call, that's what makes it easier to identify them. The hands to the right of the names are used to show who needs help, wants to ask a question, or give their opinion. Maestro is an exciting development in teleconferencing, and we are exploring its potential at the GCC.

By the way 823 tickets have now been booked, and that's only 48% of the conference capacity.
There are 917 tickets waiting for you and your friends at

Friday, September 17, 2010

Missed the train?

We are not adding any more speakers to the GCC 2010. It was decided (for selfish reasons of avoiding a work overload) in August; that on 10th September we would allow only minor additions and corrections to the GGC 2010 Schedule.

But if you didn't get the news in time, if you thought too long about whether or not you should speak, or couldn't make your mind up what you would speak about... If you missed the deadline, remember this

It is now possible to add your name to the growing list of speakers for GCC 2011. The conference starts on 11-11-11

All we ask is that you deliver a heartfelt, clear description of how you see coaching being used in your community, for the benefit of people and organisations.

You can give a lecture, run a workshop or lead an open panel discussion. There should preferably be plenty of interaction between you and the audience, before, during and after the conference session.

Sessions can be 1 - 4 hours long; can stand alone or be part of a series during the conference week, you can attract people to existing books, courses and other services as long as you are generous during the conference.

By the way 743 tickets have now been booked, and the size of many sessions has been doubled to 40 places. The figures are now 74% of target and 43% of the available tickets.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maestro Training Call

It was a learning call rather than a training call!

Lessons Learned
There were quite a few

  • The Speakers need clear instructions on how to get on to the call.
  • The Participants need clear instructions on how to get on to the call, and how to "mute" their phone, ask for help etc.
  • Not every Speaker needs the flexibility that Meastro offers
  • Skype is a useful backup for communication between the Host and the Speaker and can be used for urgent messages between them
  • The participant dashboard would have been helpful (and should have worked)
  • Calling in by Skype is OK, and it sometimes doesn't work. Best that the Speaker call in on a landline.
  • It's useful to start with an open line (standard conference call) and ask Participants to "mute" from their phone, and use their keypad to "press 5" to ask for help
  • Repeating "press 5" for help is necessary at the start of the call (also say in the instructions that it might take a few seconds for the Host to get to them)
  • Breakouts groups are fun and generate lots of energy (chaos too, for a while)
  • Small groups of 4-5 are better than pairs, since some people may get a silent / missing partner
  • ... anything else YOU want to add? Mail us!

Audio and Animation

I was asked to provide an audio presentation of the GCC in 30 seconds, for airing on a local radio station in the US. Having never done this kind of thing before, I practiced for two hours and delivered a very professional "sound bite".

Here, for fun, are my practice recordings

Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo #4

Then I finally came to terms with Movie Maker, and added animated text to the audio clips.

A 30-second video that describe the GCC

Monday, September 13, 2010

A kink in the curve, to 35% available, 50% target

Is there a word for this kind of LEAP ??? 

After some promotional efforts over the weekend the graph showing the number of tickets booked took an unusually large weekend leap, to 35% available, 50% target. In real terms that's 501 seats filled by an enthusiastic audience in participation of the experience and excitement generated by over forty of the world's most powerful coaches.

Wow! What a productive weekend

You might think - from reading the recent posts - that I do nothing but stare at the GCC bookings site, waiting for people to choose sessions that they want to listen to. Tickets, tickets, tickets... and you'd be half right. I only spend half of my time looking at ticket bookings.

During the other half of my time I make other things... this weekend I made bottles of rhubarb drink (non alcoholic) from 3kg rhubarb sticks...

to 3 litre bottles of smashing "summer in a bottle" rhubarb drink - for the whole family.

Oh, and by the way, ticket bookings for the Global Coach Conference are now 34% of available, 49% of target, and we have one month to go.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

30% or 43% which figure is most correct?

I am a little confused again, and I'm confusing too, I expect.

Shall I use Celcius or Farenheit ?
Which time zone, GMT or PST?

I want to be honest about how to show the progress of the GCC ticket bookings.

I have two ways:

1) The first one is based on the number of available tickets, which I am sure you have noticed have been increased from time to time to accommodate the numbers of people rushing to certain more popular sessions. Shelle Rose Charvet, Kathy Loh, Terry Levine, Sandy Weiner, Marlena Field, Joanna Brill and Manisha Dahad, and Mikael Esslius being the most popular so far.

2) The second one is based on the original GCC target of 1000 participants (= tickets). And in my mind a target is simply that... something to aim for. Reaching it, not reaching it, or even exceeding it are equally OK. The target gave us something concrete to set our minds on when we designed the GCC.

So, in fairness, I'll use both

The current ticket bookings are at 30% available / 43% target.
How's that?

Connections made as the schedule is finalised

Schedule finalised - I think
As far as I know, all the last changes and additions to the schedule are now in place after a review of all the relevant information:  session titles, names of speakers, local times, descriptions, web addresses, e-mail addresses and so forth and fifth and sixth. A few errors have been detected (mine), corrections and apologies are ongoing.

Statistics is fun - really
All the above info was first published on the GCC website using Dreamweaver. Then the same info was republished on the Eventbrite booking site, where tickets can be booked and monitored. The Eventbrite site offers some great tools for creating widgets and buttons, as well as lists and charts of statistics.

See below for two examples

1) How the sales have progressed over time
I notice that ticket bookings peaked last weekend when I posted all the sessions, one-by-one, on Facebook. I like Facebook!

2) Who's attending which session, and where they live.
There's a lot of people from the USA and Europe.
The GCC want to reach Asia, Africa and Australia too. It's a global event!


Connections and Networking
With the information at hand about the Speakers and Participants, most of whom are coaches, the GCC was this weekend able to assist in connecting Speakers with their Participants (so that they could get to know each other, share materials and prepare for the session); and connect all the Participants who are going to attend the same session (so that they can get to know each other and create alliances even now).

The Speakers are still in the early stages of informing their networks about their session at the GCC, and Participants are being encouraged to spread the word within their respective networks too. I guess that the many coach networks and forums will be flooded with calls and notices this month.

The time difference USA - Australia is about the same as Europe - USA, but in the other direction, on a different day.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday GCC

After nine month's labour the GCC was born on 9th September 2009.

Congratulations on your first birthday GCC

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A strange fixation on numbers, 29% booked

After adding some more sessions... 358 tickets booked, 912 remaining, that's 29%.

I think after this weekend I will take a closer look at WHO is coming to the GCC rather than how many. Part of my plan to connect people includes connecting the Participants with the Speakers and connecting the Participants with other Participants. So I am going to create a webpage with contact info, and let the Participants and Speakers know about it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

20% tickets booked!

Just a quick check before bedtime!
As ever I can't keep my eyes off the progress of ticket bookings for the GCC, so even though it's late here in Sweden - 9pm - I just took a quick look.... and saw that 20% of the tickets have now been booked. From 14% this afternoon, to 20% this evening.

Simone - a major player
The most tickets booked - a whopping 31 tickets - is by "Simone". Well done Simone, you plan to listen to 31 sessions in 5 days! That's more than I plan to listen to. I doubt that your record will be broken, but if it is, I will let the readers know.

And now, BED

One month to go and 14% of the 1000 tickets are booked

Not that the GCC is about quantity, it's about quality. The people who have volunteered their time and energy to make the GCC an amazing playground of possibilities are well-known in their own spheres of influence. They have experience, education, skills and enthusiasm and they are sharing with the world to make it a better place to live in.

Easy. Huge generosity. And the impact will resonate around the globe, for months after the conference in October.

As I sit and watch the bookings figures climb a few percent every few days I expect them to reach 90% before the end of September.

Some of the sessions are already fully booked and we are working on increasing the number of free places.

Interactivity and Connection
We are also fulfilling our aim to make the GCC 2010 more interactive so that the audience can speak to each other.  Closer to the conference date we will open a Contacts Board so that everyone can see who's coming to the conference, and read a little about them. Who knows, perhaps we will have connected people even before the conference starts. That would be nice.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The GCC Schedule (as of 2010-08-27)

For local times, detailed information and bookings, go to the GCC website

The schedule is updated on a weekly basis, usually new speakers are added, bios and session descriptions are tweaked and new times are made available. As the GCC expands to go around the clock there will more space for more speakers, and so more updates.

Be sure to check back before the conference, maybe the session you are most interested in has a new time, or day

The GCC Schedule (updated 2010-08-27)

Sunday 10th October

  • Global Coach Conference Speakers Briefing

Monday 11th Oct
  • Importance of Values in Coaching, Dr Sraban Mukherjee
  • Attract, Convert, Retain! with Dr. Terri Levine
  • KEYNOTE SPEECH, The Languages of Coaching: Realizing Personal and Professional Potential, Shelle Rose Charvet
  • Stop Playing Small: How to Differentiate Yourself as a Coach, Sandy Weiner
  • *Creativity*Awareness*Freedom, Anthony Eldridge Rogers, Maria Banks & Mike Eldridge

Tuesday 12th Oct
  • The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom, Georgina Terry
  • The Strategic Execution to Elevating Your Business, Natasha Davis-Bowen
  • Silken Ties of Love and Thought, Bob Janes
  • Take Charge of your "Itty Bitty Sh*tty" Committee, Monique Morimoto Flaherty
  • Essentials for Great Decisions, Marlena Field
  • Coaching & Addiction & Recovery "The Hidden Client", Anthony Eldridge Rogers
  • You are not alone!, Jeanette Isaacs-Young
  • Great Mystery as Co-active Ally, Kathy Loh

Wednesday 13th Oct
  • Coaching for Social Brilliance, Joanna Brill and Manisha Dahad
  • Visionary Coaching, Soleira Green
  • Living at Cause, Michael James Rochester
  • WELLNESS INVENTORY: 12 Dimensions of Personal and Collective Wellbeing, Cezarina Trone
  • (to be announced) Beth Follini
  • Coaching & Addiction & Recovery in the Workplace, Anthony Eldridge Rogers

Thursday 14th Oct
  • Coaching Developments in China, Helen Tian
  • The Genius Game, Soleira Green
  • The Strategic Execution to Elevating Your Business, Natash Davis-Bowen
  • MINDFUL EMBODYMENT: Spinning the Wellness Wheel, Cezarina Trone
  • (to be announced) Fiona Monks
  • Coaching clients to Recovery from Addiction, Anthony Eldridge Rogers

Friday 15th Oct
  • The dynamic interaction of logic and intuition, Mikael Esselius
  • Public Misconception of Coaching?, Karen Wise
  • Transforming our World, Soleira Green and Dorothy Eckes
  • PARENTING WITH VISION: Experience Less Effort & More Inner Trust , Cezarina Trone
  • Towards a New Culture of Communication: Communicating with the Unconscious Mind, Lonny Gold
  • Attract, Convert, Retain! with Dr. Terri Levine

Saturday 16th Oct
  • Embracing the Chaos Within, Deborah Huisken
  • Project Autism "The Gift to Give" Karina Barley

Sunday 17th Oct
  • Global Coach Conference Speakers Debriefing

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The GCC is going 24 -7,all day, all week

We are looking for ways to expand the space that the GCC can hold.

The proposed schedule for the GCC was originally planned as the week of 10th - 17th October 2010, and times were 8am to 8pm London Time GMT. The focus was to be Monday to Friday, 10 sessions a day. Enough? No, not enough. The 50 sessions with 1000 tickets filled up quickly and we saw that we need to make more space for more people. So we are looking for ways to make it possible to run the Global Coach Conference 24 - 7, all day, all week.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

First week's bookings 3%

Out of curiosity, I had a quick look at the number of tickets booked today. I was going to wait until Friday, but I really couldn't wait. And three percent of the tickets are already booked. At this rate we might run out of tickets!

The right number of people
Ideally each session should have the right number of people. And what's right for each session differs depending on what the speaker intends to do with their audience. Some sessions are more interactive - where the audience become participants and talk with each other. Other sessions are more like lectures - where the audience have time to hear and reflect on what the speaker is saying.

We set a limit of fifty people per session, yet in some cases five would be just right. In others five hundred would also be possible.

We shall wait and see how many people are interested, then contact the speaker and design the best way of using their session. It's all about being flexible and allowing yourself to learn!

Look forward to seeing your name on the list of participants too.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First day's bookings 1%

Here's a huge thanks to EventBrite for giving me the platform that I need to co-ordinate the sales of 1500 tickets  (50 tickets for each of 30 sessions -just to begin with). The platform also makes it possible for me to receive payments and donations of money, in the best possible way.

And the first day saw 1% of the tickets booked!.

It was enormously rewarding for me to see the bookings - and confirmation of payments and donations - pop up in my e-mail in-tray.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

GCC bookings now open

Finally, after two weeks of juggling with time and space, people and topics!

I am delighted to announce that you can book your places at the GCC.

Each session has its own ticket so go get them at

Friday, August 13, 2010

At last I can do what I came here for...

The text, in Swedish, says "At last I can do what I came here for..." Thanks Lille Skutt

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sweden is the centre of the coaching world


Suddenly and for no other reason than one person took the initiative, the small town of Utby in Sweden will be the centre of attention for the coaching world for a week in October.

UK born, CoActive Coach Martin Richards is organising the second series of telephone sessions of the Global Coach Conference , the largest virtual coach conference of 2010 with speakers from China, Australia, India, Trinidad, South Africa, Europe, the UK, and of course the USA.

"It started with a desire to speak with like-minded people, about their perspectives on how coaching serves the world," said Martin. Last year on 090909 the phone conference attracted over a hundred participants, and lasted a continuous 25 hours, with Martin as the host for every session. "It was a one-man telephone marathon," said Martin, "and gave me a broad perspective and a deep appreciation of the benefits that coaching brings." The connections between people made before and during the conference have resulted in long-lasting collaborations, a sign of coaches common need to connect and collaborate.

This year over 20 speakers are freely giving over 30 sessions under the heading "7 Days to Change the World", covering many aspects of professional and private life. During and after the conference people will continue to connect and collaborate to bring their skills to the service of others.

The whole conference will be run from a small office at the temporary center of the global coaching world, Utby, Sweden.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Invitation and Agreement

I felt the need to update the "Invitation to Speak at the GCC 2010"

This update includes:
  • description of the GCC Conference Lines
  • invitation to the GCC Theme Teams
  • the Use of Recording Agreement that we need to confirm the GCC use of the recording of the session.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Preparations Completion Date

With the steady stream of speakers, leaders and guests coming to the GCC we feel the need to set a date for completing the preparations, and that is 31st July. By then we shall have a complete and amazing schedule of speakers and activiites.

There are still slots for speakers, and they are running out fast, (the slots not the speakers). So if you feel the call to "Change the World in 7 days", contact us to say why you should speak at the GCC, and when your session can fit into out busy schedule.

As Winston Churchill said, on a darker and more chilling occasion
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

the Capacity to Hold Paradoxes

Working with Monique Morimoto Flaherty, JR Miller and Amechi Udo there's a strength from the tetrateam that surprises and delights me.
"I like the balance - yin-yang and the capacity to hold paradoxes.  The conference has the capacity to be unique and engaging, thought provoking and a learning accelerator." - Monique Morimoto Flaherty

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Flaming Badge

Proudly wear the flaming badge, I do.

Send me your postal address and I will mail you a flaming badge (or two)

Sometimes the craziest ideas catch on. For my own satisfaction I created a badge for the GCC through FAT and they sent me a bag of flaming badges. Now I want to send these small flames on their journies around the world.

What great fires may be started with these Flames of Passion?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Speaker from India (and Sweden)

I am delighted to add Ramnath Narayanswamy as a speaker at the GCC. He is a Professor in the areas of Economics and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. His areas of interest include Business and Society, Economic Reforms in Transition Economies, Spirituality and Self Development, Entrepreneurship in the Creative Sector, Outsourcing, and Creativity and Innovation. During the fall of 2009, he is a visiting professor at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.

Unbundling Creative Potential
Creativity = the indisputably, the singular natural resource
Listen to how to unbundle creative potential. It's amazing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kathy Loh

Pleased to say that Kathy Loh will be speaking at the GCC. Have a look at her blogg and get inspired to allow changes to come into your life.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


As a member of the Gothenburg Toastmasters for the past few years I have experienced how the local groups support the development of the members as Public Speakers and Leaders through the use of performance guides and constructive feedback. I like the language they use "Become the Speaker & Leader you want to be"


It occured to me that Toastmasters could contribute to the GCC in many ways. So, now I am discussing this with my local teams.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stating the Obvious

How easy it is to assume that everyone is a mind-reader, and can read my mind.

I presumed that everyone knew that the GCC was a phone conference, and omitted to write anything about that on the GCC website. Silly me. And thanks to the people who have pointed it out to me!

Now added to the website.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bob Janes

Delighted to confirm that Bob Janes will be talking about the Social Panorama Model at the GCC

Friday, June 4, 2010

TEDx and GCC

If you know about TED, then you know it's an impressive source of inspirational speeches delivered by professionals.

Now there's TEDx - local productions in the TED spirit.

I met the two guys, Carl Ternstedt and Axel Lindqvist, who ran TEDx in Gothenburg in 2010 and we came up with the idea of running the GCC 2011 as an audio-visual experience. That's an upgrade that I can happily get involved with. This is going to need a healthy budget, so there's all the more reason to "moneterize" GCC 2010. I will have to get my thinking cap on.

Carl and Alex brought me up to date on how the phone audio could be broadcast through the Internet and could be listened to live on any PC / Mac. Thanks guys, my head's still spinning.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Updated the GCC Website

About time!

Well OK. I promised that the recordings from GCC 2009 would be available until the end of 2009, and so they were. Now I am recycling them into an interesting package for promoting the contibutors and the GCC 2010.

It's all at Global Coach Conference

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the Facilitator

... and when I asked the world for the fourth vertex for the tetrahedron ... Dorothy Eckes popped up, literally.

Thanks Dorothy for volunteering to facilitate meetings for coaches around different themes.

The Audio Technician

Exactly when I needed it, MJ volunteered to take care of the audio ...

"My old training was as a sound engineer and producer, so I know all about getting the best out of audio.

The offer is this, let me clean and compress the audio from 2009 and convert it into high quality, low size files such as wma.

I'm sure there are many coaches that would be willing to contribute free information products to this cause.

We can create a bundle and sell it on at a highly reduced rate along with premium features for the GCC 2010 conference.

This would enable some cash back to the organizers and contributors to GCC 2009 and offer a great pushing point for the GCC 2010 conference."

The Interviewer

John Nixon has agreed to be the Interviewer for GCC2010. We don't know what that means in detail yet, but I am looking forward to some interesting questions from John as he probes the "Whys and Wherefores" of the GCC.

Thanks John

Monday, May 31, 2010

Give the Work Away

Wise words from J R Miller!

I am well able to think up a workload that could break me. So I am - following such wise words by sending out e-mails asking for support in all the things that need to be done.

So, who will turn up first I wonder?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Making the GCC self-sufficient

Dancing in the Moment
I have just been dancing in the moment with J R Miller and Monique Morimoto Flaherty from Coaching4Value. They bring together a sense of Spirit and a sense of Business. Blending those with my Creativity and Vision I think we are on to a winning combination!

How did this happen? Thanks to a brief contact on FaceBook, Monique and I started a conversation about the GCC, and she saw the undeveloped potential of GCC 2009, and the huge potential for GCC 2010. So we Skyped!

Making the GCC self-sufficient
We are looking for and finding ways of making the GCC self-sufficient. And we are doing it in a co-active way with the many speakers from 2009. At this time I am not sure what this might lead to, and I want the idea of self-sufficiency to develop from the needs and interests of those involved. A Skype meeting is in the offing.

One idea that has come up that would add value to the GCC and make it more self-sufficient is to use the material that comes out of the GCC 2010 to create DVDs for people who were unable to attend all the sessions. The DVD would be a nice way for the many contributors to share what they have done, show others what is going on around the world and attract more attention to the GCC and the many contributor projects.

All that's needs is the raw audio/visuals; and a lot of time editing.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Speakers from around the World

Three GCC speakers from around the world India, South Adfrica and Trinidad

Dr. Ajay Nangalia ACC, India

Dr. Ajay Nangalia ACC, coaches corporate executives in India and Asia. He has over 25 years experience as a corporate executive, OD consultant and executive coach. His doctoral and current research interests focus on how executive coaches need to understand the cultural context of the society, and the organizations they work with. He is passionate about creating a global community of coaches who are sensitive to various cultures, and who can adapt to the cultural needs of their clients.

Anthony Eldridge Rogers, South Africa

Anthony is a co-active coach and new era entrepreneur living and dreaming in Southern Africa. Anthony's has spent most of his life in the dream factories of film making, marketing and advertising. His creativity spans photography, music videos, documentary, feature films, script writing and he has held the roles of both producer and director.

Anthony sees global reach events such as the Global Coach Conference as a powerful way to build multicultural dialogue and common purpose communities that are so needed for our collective future.

Georgina Terry FCCA, Trinidad
- The Passions to Profitability Expert

Georgina Terry is an experienced business and career coach, mentor, inspirational speaker and author of The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom.

With nearly 20 years experience in consulting, coaching, finance, training, mentoring, presenting and facilitation, Georgina uses her skills and knowledge globally to help people achieve previously unrealised business and personal goals.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Speakers from the USA

Presenting two speakers who have agreed to lead sessions at the GCC

Sandy Weiner 

Sandy Weiner coaches entrepreneurial women to be bigger fish in a bigger pond and stop playing small.


Growing up with a chronically depressed father, Sandy vowed to never be a "woulda shoulda coulda" victim of life's circumstances. Her practical "can-do" spirit and positive energy helped her navigate through the genetic illness of her firstborn son, becoming a fierce advocate for his rare disease. 

Dr. Terri Levine, The Guru of Coaching ®,

Millionaire-Mentor Terri Levine of is the author of over a dozen books on business success, mentor to some of the world's most successful business owners, featured in over 50 international publications, seen regularly on television shows around the world. Terri is known as the Guru of Coaching®


Terri will be running her session on two dates!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Speakers from the UK

Fiona Monks, Karen Wise, Kate Griffiths and Soliera Green

Presenting three women from the UK who will likely return to the GCC

  • Fiona Monks has been running her own coaching practice for two years after spending many years in teaching, training and development both in the UK and Spain

  • Karen Wise, MCIPD is an Organisational Development Consultant and Business Coach

  • Kate Griffiths, founder of Whole Self Leadership, offers executive coaching, personal coaching, mentoring and workshops
and one woman who has already agreed to lead three sessions!

  • Soleira Green is a global visionary and co-founder of the Visionary Network.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Financial support and "Charge free"

It's a complex and contradictory world in which we live, and so is the GCC.

Firstly, I don't feel comfortable charging people to listen in to sessions that are being freely given by the GCC speakers. The basic idea of the GCC is that we all have needs beyond money, and the GCC would be a way of meeting those needs, for inspiration, encouragement, connection, belongingness, being part of something bigger. It's not a new idea.

Secondly, the GCC takes time and money to set up and run. Not least time and money consuming are the website, blog and hundreds of phonecallas and e-mails, conference lines and a dozen other things. All of which are given freely. And they cost money.

So, what I am considering is
  • The sessions will be free to listen to live, i.e. during the conference.
  • The raw recordings can be downloaded for a limited time after the conference.
  • The edited recordings will be sold, as downloads, after the conference, by the session leaders; and/or by GCC, according to whatever we agree upon.
  • It will be possible to support the GCC through donations, electronically via the web
How about that? Does that sound sufficiently complex? And still honest, open and true?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Enhancing the GCC for 2010

Together with colleagues around the world I have been discussing ways to enrich "the GCC experience".

By that I mean we are learning from the experience we had during the 090909 conference, and are planning to make the things that were not good enough better. Some of the ideas that have come up are:

  • Interactivity

    We want more interactivity - ie the participants and speakers want to interact with each other. At the moment it's all a bit one way.

  • Before, during and after (the conference)

    For some people the anticipation (= prior information) is an important part of the experience, others mostly enjoy being in the moment, and get the most out of being on the phone, listening and speaking; and others want ways of following up (= connections and discussions) after the conference.

  • Recordings

    People who couldn't attend, or who found out later, want to listen to recordings of the sessions. These could be packaged and presented in better ways.

  • Support

    Almost everyone wants the GCC to continue, and want to support financially. Ways for this to be achieved are many

So, in the next weeks and months you will see these ideas become real.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Virtual Events around the Globe

Google Calendars
I use Google Calendars for planning and displaying the virtual events in different time zones. If you use a Google Calendar you can easily "push" selected events to the GCC calendar automatically. Google Calendars can also be synchronised with your Blackberry!

Global Providers
My intention is to have a range of providers from different continents and am currently in discussions with business coaches in India and ICF Certified coaches in China. If you would like to have details on how this works, let me know. I plan to open the GCC calendar to selected providers successively during 2010.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shelle Rose Charvet at GCC October 11th

I am delighted to say that Shelle Rose Charvet will be giving the Keynote Speech for the GCC on October 11th 2010

Title: The Languages of Coaching: Realizing Personal and Professional Potential

Every person is different. The coaching world has developed many approaches, but at the heart of every methodology is the aim of helping people reach their full potential. International speaker, author and coach, Shelle Rose Charvet opens the 2010 Global Coach Conference with her insights into how to create positive changes through language.

Events Calendar

Just created the multi-time-zone calendar that will support the promotion of virtual coaching-related events around the globe.

Have a look