Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Flaming Badge

Proudly wear the flaming badge, I do.

Send me your postal address and I will mail you a flaming badge (or two)

Sometimes the craziest ideas catch on. For my own satisfaction I created a badge for the GCC through FAT and they sent me a bag of flaming badges. Now I want to send these small flames on their journies around the world.

What great fires may be started with these Flames of Passion?


  1. Some badges are going to Sweden, others to the USA. I have some left if you wnat to start a small fire

    1. Martin, a great idea to consider going forward. Please reserve one for South Africa to take forward. Ta...

  2. Hi Martin, could you possibly send me 5 badges?
    I have a few people who wish to help and I would like one for myself too ;)

  3. anything happening this year, 2012? We are about to organize an on-line young adult support group with coaching volunteers. Anyone cares to join?
    And, Martin, thank you for such a great idea!Badges wanted in Ireland and Poland please :)
    im on facebook.com/mashacoaching


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