Monday, October 25, 2010

Global Coach Events Calendar

As a Speaker at the GCC you probably know about the beneficial synergies of having your events visible alongside other coaches' events. When people look at one GCC Coach's events they can also see your events; and can freely choose which events to join.

the Global Coach Events Calendar

I have created the Global Coach Events Calendar so that you can display your coaching-related events alongside those being run by the other GCC Coaches - all year, all around the globe. You administer your events yourself. The calendar is respectfully shared by the GCC Speakers.

How do you use it?
There are two things to do, Edit and Display.

How do you put your events on the Global Coach Events Calendar?
Once you have the password, you can log in and then add and edit your own events. In the description you can include a brief intro and a link to your website where people can sign up for example.

How can people see your events in their local times?
You can add your choice of calendar to your website or blog!

The Calendar is Global - What about time zones?
That's easy. The calendar is based on London Time.
  • When you EDIT there is a solution that allows you to see the time in other parts of the world. 
  • When you DISPLAY the calendar on your website or blog, you simply use the versions you need. There are "local time" versions of the calendar for Pacific, Eastern, UK, India, China and Australia.
    All versions of the calendar have the same events - displayed with correct local times. See the examples below.
What does it cost?
Until 2011 this service is cost free, after that if you want to continue it will cost 100 USD for 2011. This money will be used to further support the work with the GCC.

USA Central Time

London Local Time

China Local Time

Attract, Convert, Retain - with Terri Levine

If you are working hard running your coaching company, you should give Terri Levine a listen. Whether you agree with her methods or not, she will get your head spinning in a way that may well make a difference to your income...

The Power of Coaching in Education

During the GCC2010 I had the honour of working with Keith Miller...

Keith Miller is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and the Director of Education Programs for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Listening to the Echoes of GCC2010

I have been spending a 'few hours' editing the forty or so raw recordings. I am clipping off the first few minutes of chatter as people came online, as well as the last few hurried "goodbyes" before the session gets cut off. All this is taking time... and in November the whole conference will be published on the GCC website.

I am using Audacity of course!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Words: Maestro > GCC > Freeconference

Just so you know that Maestro Conference is quickly and honestly owning up to the mess on Monday when we had to move all the sessions to Freeconference.

Maestro Conference > GCC
"On behalf of the MaestroConference team I'd like to express our sincere apology for the technical issue that occurred early this morning... the timing couldn't have been worse for you ..."

And the GCC had a few words to say to Freeconference
"We moved a LOT of sessions in a BIG hurry from Maestro to Freeconference... Your service saved my reputation as a conference organiser."

Tuesday 12th
Nine sessions, back to back. What a smooth day! I have deeply enjoyed the conversations, information and inspiration from hearing coaches share their perspectives on coaching. We now have the recordings to look forward to. Recorded sessions Want a copy? Go here

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smooth Operator

We have been running the GCC sessions through Freeconference today... and it's been smooooooth running all day. Like a long journey on a train, having conversations with some cool coaches about how human awareness is evolving on the planet and how we are instrumental in easing that evolution.

When we call in to Freeconference we are entertained by music... "Smooth Operator", by Sade

Yesterday - all my troubles seemed so far away

After the Speakers Briefing on Sunday, on Skype, I felt quite sure that the Conference would run smoothly. All fifty professional coaches were taking care of all the details of their inspirational sessions, sending out materials, e-mailing participants, keeping track of phone numbers, and dozens of pins.

And boom!
During Monday 11th October we sent 173 people crashing into a conference line that didn't work. You can imagine their disappointment, confusion and irritation. Not to mention the expense of calling the same US number several times only to hear beep-beep-beep. Not quite what we had in mind.

And then the e-mails came!
At the same time as I was listening to the beeps, chatting on Skype with those who knew my Skypename coach.martin.richards there was an influx of e-mails asking what had happened to the Conference. Most of the e-mails were polite and constructive - lots of ideas!

The  reason for the crash - in case it's of interest
The server at Maestro had crashed - and nobody there knew about it because they were asleep.
(The Conference started 3am Pacific time)

So what's next?
We have a Backup Plan (hastily asembled and implemented following an idea and support from Anthony Eldridge Rogers - thanks Ant). We moved the whole conference to Freeconference.  Genius!

Every session (except two) now have the same phone number and PIN
Phone number, 1 - 219 - 509 - 8222
PIN 149233#

1) Wednesday How to get your clients to “Change for Good” by using this simple method, Jayne Blumenthal
Phone 1 - 270 - 696 2525

2) Thursday "Horses, Coaching and Wow..." Monique Morimoto Flaherty
Phone 1 - 270 - 400 - 2000

Inspiration and Perspiration
If success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, we should be on to a winning combination!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maestro? I don't think so

I have no confidence in Maestro

Having put a significant amount of time and energy into moving over 1000 bookings from Eventbrite to Maestro we have experienced the lowest possible level of service.

  • None of the conference sessions could be run through Meastro, none.
  • No response to e-mails sent to their "Customer Support", none
At least they are consistent!

Here's what they claim on their website
"At MaestroConference, we are driven by a commitment to customer success and dedicated to a great customer experience. Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary resources to become a Maestro. We strive to make our service number one in every way and welcome your feedback and suggestions."

I suggest that they turn up for work!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Counting down in hours

There's a calmness about today that I didn't expect. Since there's so little time to make adjustments and check vital information I was half expecting a rush of e-mails asking for PINS and support. The GCC e-mail "IN" tray is empty.

Conclusion: All the Speakers are professionals and have got everything under control.

I shall spend today in the sunshine and wait for the GCC2010 to be born on Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Almost Sunday 10-10-10

One of the key reasons for the GCC2010 starting this Sunday is the prettiness of the date. It's a date that works in all the participating countries, some of which write the date with the month at the start, others with the month in the middle.

10-10-10 has also inspired others


And guess what the starting date is for next year?
Yes, you guessed it 11-11-11, and it's a Friday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

18 pages of PINS and names

No wonder my head has been in a spin for the past couple of weeks. I just printed out the list of GCC sessions, with the PIN codes for each of the named Speakers and Hosts. It turned out to be 18 pages long.

What's the learning here? Obviously when there's two or three people involved in each session, and there's 50 sessions that adds upto a lot of people to keep track of. And most, if not all, of that information is gathered in one place - my head. Thank goodness for fast printers! And I realise that I need to spread that info to the others in the GCC Team. The success of this conference depends on me keeping healthy for the next two weeks.

So - a fat e-mail will be sent to the GCC Team, NOW

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speakers + Hosts = GCC

I'm adding a Host to each of the 50 GCC sessions
Martin Richards

Collaboration at the highest level.
Many of this year's Speakers have volunteered to Host, ie introduce another Speaker, hold the Q&A session, move the participants into small groups and generally serve the Speaker during their session.

Fast and Efficient
It took three months to organise the Speakers - and has taken three weeks to organise the Hosts. Mostly thanks to Dorothy Eckes for holding the Excel sheet of Speakers and Hosts.

Dorothy Eckes

And a mention too for Anthony Eldridge Rogers for spotting the errrrrrorrs.
Anthony Eldridge Rogers

and of course, Soleira Green, for positive feedback (just when I need it).
Soleira Green

 The above people are the GCC Team who have created this year's conference.
Nearly there... draft schedule with Hosts is on GCC website.