The schedule is updated on a weekly basis, usually new speakers are added, bios and session descriptions are tweaked and new times are made available. As the GCC expands to go around the clock there will more space for more speakers, and so more updates.
Be sure to check back before the conference, maybe the session you are most interested in has a new time, or day
The GCC Schedule (updated 2010-08-27)
Sunday 10th October
- Global Coach Conference Speakers Briefing
Monday 11th Oct
- Importance of Values in Coaching, Dr Sraban Mukherjee
- Attract, Convert, Retain! with Dr. Terri Levine
- KEYNOTE SPEECH, The Languages of Coaching: Realizing Personal and Professional Potential, Shelle Rose Charvet
- Stop Playing Small: How to Differentiate Yourself as a Coach, Sandy Weiner
- *Creativity*Awareness*Freedom, Anthony Eldridge Rogers, Maria Banks & Mike Eldridge
Tuesday 12th Oct
- The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom, Georgina Terry
- The Strategic Execution to Elevating Your Business, Natasha Davis-Bowen
- Silken Ties of Love and Thought, Bob Janes
- Take Charge of your "Itty Bitty Sh*tty" Committee, Monique Morimoto Flaherty
- Essentials for Great Decisions, Marlena Field
- Coaching & Addiction & Recovery "The Hidden Client", Anthony Eldridge Rogers
- You are not alone!, Jeanette Isaacs-Young
- Great Mystery as Co-active Ally, Kathy Loh
Wednesday 13th Oct
- Coaching for Social Brilliance, Joanna Brill and Manisha Dahad
- Visionary Coaching, Soleira Green
- Living at Cause, Michael James Rochester
- WELLNESS INVENTORY: 12 Dimensions of Personal and Collective Wellbeing, Cezarina Trone
- (to be announced) Beth Follini
- Coaching & Addiction & Recovery in the Workplace, Anthony Eldridge Rogers
Thursday 14th Oct
- Coaching Developments in China, Helen Tian
- The Genius Game, Soleira Green
- The Strategic Execution to Elevating Your Business, Natash Davis-Bowen
- MINDFUL EMBODYMENT: Spinning the Wellness Wheel, Cezarina Trone
- (to be announced) Fiona Monks
- Coaching clients to Recovery from Addiction, Anthony Eldridge Rogers
Friday 15th Oct
- The dynamic interaction of logic and intuition, Mikael Esselius
- Public Misconception of Coaching?, Karen Wise
- Transforming our World, Soleira Green and Dorothy Eckes
- PARENTING WITH VISION: Experience Less Effort & More Inner Trust , Cezarina Trone
- Towards a New Culture of Communication: Communicating with the Unconscious Mind, Lonny Gold
- Attract, Convert, Retain! with Dr. Terri Levine
Saturday 16th Oct
- Embracing the Chaos Within, Deborah Huisken
- Project Autism "The Gift to Give" Karina Barley
Sunday 17th Oct
- Global Coach Conference Speakers Debriefing