Tuesday, December 22, 2009

USA Eastern Organiser for the GCC

Welcome Dorothy Eckes!

One small step and a bit of a leap into what technology can do to connect the world.

We now have merged Google Calendars in different time zones, viewable through different time zones. And it all works beautifully!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The global resource of virtual coaching-related meetings and courses

My aim (I have finally realised) is to create a global resource of virtual coaching-related meetings and courses, ie. events that can be attended by phone or the internet. NOT face-to-face courses in particular places in the world, BUT global events, meetings and courses that reach out and touch the people around the planet!

From GCC2009 I learned that
  • the time and date of the events needs to be displayed in LOCAL TIME
  • many contributors and participants will come from countries outside Europe and the US, even though the majority may well come from there to begin with.

So I am creating, for several time zones (including USA, UK, Australia, Sweden... )
  • an e-mail address
  • a website
  • a calendar

so that local leaders can
  • receive relevant correspondence by e-mail,
  • promote suitable events through their local website
  • and show these events on their calendar with local times
All the local calendars will be merged into one Global Coach Conference Calendar, which will be accessible through the GCC website and can be viewed in the visitors' local time.

So, I am also creating for the globe
  • an e-mail address
  • a website (www.globalcoachconference.com of course)
  • a calendar