Friday, August 28, 2009
Gentle Leaders, thank you!
I had planned four "bio breaks" during the GCC day. These were called "TransZone - breathing space" and I intended leaving the conference lines open whilst I tended to my need for food, drink etc. This, I thought, would allow people to freely chat with each other across the world.
Later, I realised that these sessions would probably be too chaotic and unproductive since nobody knew who was "in charge" and what the specific "topics of conversation" might be. This may not be a problem in a café situation, but over the phone, hmmm?
So, I put out a request by e-mail for "Gentle Leaders to hold the sessions".
Within hours I had eight volunteers, all women.
Ladies, thank you! I can now go and eat, drink, sleep or whatever I need on four occasions during this day, enabling me to be present for the other 20 hours.
After booking three of the four sessions I had just the 7am session left. Opening my e-mails this afternoon there was one proposal... for the 7am session. That's what I call synchronicity.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
GMT Clock
For certain periods of the year, come countries use "Summer / Winter Time" and change the local time forwards or backwards by an hour. Unfortunately there is no agreement on when to do this and so the local times are less than easy to predict.
GMT is NOT London time. In the summer London time is 1 hour ahead of GMT.
GMT is also known as UST.
Facts and Figures
I made a quick review today to see how we were getting on with attracting people to these calls. I noted that a handful of people are going "all the way" and will be listening for 24 hours! Me too!
The list here shows the time in GMT, in [ ] is the number of participants who have chosen that session, plus the topic and Speakers / Leaders.
00:00 [35] Opening Words - Global Host Team
01:00 [37] Ignite the Flame by Using the Body as a Resource for a Change Marlena Field PCC, CPCC USA
02:00 [33] A Coach is your partner, (provisional title) Dr Sraban Mukherjee India
03:00 [35] Building Bridges - Why Coaches need to understand cultural differences Dr. Ajay Nangalia India
04:00 [33] Visionary Leadership - Joanna Brill
05:00 [33] Coaching for transition; Permaculture and personal change Jeanette Isaacs-Young Australia
06:00 [37] Words that Change Minds - discussion group
07:00 [22] TransZone Breathing Space - Global Host Team
08:00 [24] Coaching in Education - Driving the Evolution of Education Martin Richards Sweden
09:00 [36] ROOTS - Becoming where we came from Exploring the roots of mankind Anthony Eldridge Rogers South Africa
10:00 [31] An interview with Silvia de Ridder Silvia de Ridder Australia
11:00 [31] TransZone Breathing Space - Global Host Team
12:00 [31] Halfway House - Global Host Team
13:00 [34] Silken ties of love and thought Bob Janes Brittany
14:00 [34] How coaching can enable mums to become leaders in their own lives? - Kate Griffiths, Karen Wise
15:00 [45] Unlocking your potential for change Pearl Mattensson USA
16:00 [34] Including the Business Community in the Evolution of Education Dorothy Eckes USA
17:00 [31] TransZone Breathing Space - Global Host Team
18:00 [39] Yearning for Wholeness Beth Follini UK
19:00 [41] There is a real hunger for something different in Education - Linda Lea USA and Susan Moss UK
20:00 [35] Are Colleges Coachable? Martin Richards Sweden
21:00 [43] Turn Your Passion Into Profits in 30 Days Dr. Terri Levine USA
22:00 [31] TransZone Breathing Space - Global Host Team
23:00 [38] Three Steps on the Road to Purpose Alison Skinkle Canada / Australia
24:00 [34] Closing Words - Global Host Team
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Energy Flows
An Acorn on the Head
Initially, when the idea was but a small acorn that landed on my head I was passionately in love with my own idea. I confess, I loved the idea from the start - as anyone near me at the time can tell you. And I was proud to have been given such an awsome and inspiring idea. I was met by some internal cultural resistance "Who are YOU to run a Global Coach Conference?". That's when I knew that I was committed to the idea, it WILL be done!
I pondered - I do that! I sat with the idea and asked myself "What does this look like when it is done?", "What are you creating?". The answers came "It's a phone conference!" and "I am connecting coaches who are passionate about change". That's when I posted the idea on the CTI website - end of June 2009.
Ice Cream please, with Flames of Passion
During July, I received e-mails and forum messages from dozens of inspired and supportive coaches. My energy at the time was right-brained. I was connecting with people at professional, spiritual and social levels, and that meant being sensitive to their different needs and motivations. What worked for one Speaker didn't always work for the next.
My energy level was high, yet I knew that this would be a long haul - all the way to the end of August. I gathered my strength and started pacing myself for what was, for me, going to be a marathon. For this idea to burn brightly for a whole month, through my entire summer vacation, was going to require careful tending of the Flame of Passion. And that's where the image of the "ice cream with flames of passion" came from. You know it, the logo that's been used for this conference! I planned which days and hours I would work with the conference, and which days and hours I would be with myself, or my family. I didn't keep to the plan, but it was very helpful to have it.
Logic and Logistics
Throughout July, the idea was still an idea. There was not much on the web - apart from this blog - to tell the world about the conference (now known as "the GCC"). So I used my HTML skills to design and create a website, and buy and set up a domain name and relevant e-mails. Key to the functionality of the website was a booking system that allowed people to see who was speaking and what their topics were; and then to make their choice, click a button and send me a message!
My energy was strongly left-brained. I was working with logic and logistics and had an extremely tight focus on detail, especially issues around "What time is it?"
FB Connections
I knew that FB had played a strong part in the election of an American President, and that Michael Jackson had millions of Fans through FB, so I realised that this was the place to go for Listeners, people who wanted to listen to the Speakers.
Confused? Me? YES!
At this time I was in a state of confusion - how does FB work? How many listeners can we expect, how many can we deal with? How many are enough? How many are too much?
The number of connected sky-rocketed as people connected to the Page and the Event through FB. I decided that 150 people would be my target for the conference day, with a maximum of 1500 people involved in total over the year.
CTI- the Revelation
As the numbers spiralled upwards and normal phone lines seemed inadequate for the conference call, I turned to many different professional conference line providers. There were limits and costs to consider, also the complexity/simplicity of use. Again, I was in a state of confusion. I actually enjoyed this state, it showed me that I was deeply involved in the Process and that the Revelation would soon come.
It did. In the form of CTI, the Coaches Training Institiute who, in an extraordinary move cleared their conference lines for a whole day and night, to make the GCC possible. Tears of joy, and the revelation "of course, that's where it all started". My coaching education and training was with the CTI (and still is). Thanks Karen Kimsey House.
The End is in Sight
It's getting near the end now. My energy is almost spent, and yet the niggly, piggly, quibbly details keep popping up and asking to be solved.
Yesterday, I spoke on another phone conference and was given 5 minutes to inform the audience about the GCC. As I spoke, the Flames of Passion flew brightly into the air. Now I know that I have plenty of reserves and will walk the marathon of a 24-hour global phone conference of "Dreams and Visions" with skill, grace and ease; and empassioned determination.
Are you passionate about coaching?
We have ONE session remaining on the Global Coach Conference.
It's at 14:00 GMT, the perfect time to reach the whole world.
Is this for you?
The overall theme is "Dreams and Visions"
What would your topic be?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Speaker: Beth Follini, MA, CPCC

Coach, Trainer and Consultant
Ticktock Coaching
United Kingdom
Beth Follini has run her own coaching and consulting business for the past five years.
Prior to this, she managed a range of not-for-profit organisations and projects and her previous roles included being the CEO of the Women’s Resource Centre – a pan-London organisation working to give women and women’s organisations a voice in public policy. She has been featured in national UK media including The Times and The Observer for her work coaching women who are trying to decide whether to have children or not. Her passion for polarities comes from a long held commitment to working around diversity and difference – she has engaged on a personal level with holding thetension between opposites. As a Quaker, she has long been committed to ‘holding the paradox’ of human nature and integrates polarity work along with the co-active model in coaching.
She co-leads polarity workshops with Ursula Glunk – they are leading their next workshop in London on the 31st October 2009
For more info go to:
Yearning for Wholeness
Guests to be announced
Clients come to coaching with a yearning for wholeness, to be able to integrate parts of themselves and hold the tension of opposites (eg being vs doing) with ease.
Polarity coaching has its roots in many ancient spiritual traditions including Buddhism. Quaker thought and practice particularly engages with paradox, polarity and wholeness. The polarity-coaching model we will be exploring in this call with its gives coaching a depth and transformational aspect that we believe is absent in many coaching models. This is not to say that the coach or client needs to believe in a particular religious tenant. However, polarity work will always bring to the coaching that sense of transcendence, of moving up the spiral.
In the first half of this call we will explore polarity coaching, how coaches can enable their clients engage with polarity and begin to experience the third energy or wholeness when they do.
In the second half of this call we will then explore Quaker thought and practice - and look at some of the similarities with co-activity. A number of special guests will take part in the discussion - both those engaging with polarity coaching and those involved in Quakerism.
Coaching for transition; Permaculture and personal change
You will be part of a fresh synthesis of thought and ideas blossoming after the ICFA conference in Adelaide, South Australia, September 1, 2, 2009, which intends to host conversations which will be “a catalyst for global change on many levels”.
Jeanette is leading a workshop there to explore and imagine some new possibilities for a radically different future, and the roles coaches might play in getting us there. We will consider ways coaches might catalyse change in our clients and communities for an energy lean, time rich, less stressful, healthy happy future - in a desirable sustainable world.
Jeanette has been noticing the way her permaculture design garden, and the regular daily attention her family give to this, reflects the changes clients make when they begin choosing to live in ways which are happier and more personally able to be sustained. Resilience increases, and ease and flow feature - and people require timely support and ongoing connection to sustain their pioneer positions/initiatives during turbulence ( inner or outer).
Simplifying life and making healthy choices for our own body mind and spirit, creates a sense of ‘sufficiency’, of ‘enough’; and so delicious nurturing daily actions naturally evolve in ways which are also good for the planet, and evolution of consciousness.
Join us for a global follow on and flow on from the Adelaide workshop, as we whisper a new story, spark a new vision, and fan the flames of passion into action.Sunday, August 2, 2009
I am pleased to annouce that we have a dedicated website for this (and the next?) conference See you there too.
The List of Times, Topics and Speakers is updated on the dedicated website. That means I update only one place instead of three.
As soon as the above website was opened, and allowed people to book the sessions they want most, I got 5 bookings, then 6 more before the end of the day.
Interviewer Opportunity
As an Interviewer you will speak with the Interviewee and lead the conversations before and after the interview.
This is an excellent opportunity of showing how a coaching approach brings interviews to life.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Speaker: Dr. Terri Levine
Terri holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior and is a Master Certified Coach. She provides a unique approach to corporate learning and knows training alone doesn't work. She is armed with an arsenal of tools and resources never used in corporations before and have proven outcomes in organizations of all sizes world-wide. Terri is a riveting speaker and engaging coach who loves to work with businesses that know something is wrong and are ready to create more sales and revenue and a bring a coaching model to their corporate culture.
Her clients call her the “wisdom wizard”. Terri has a strong background in Communications, Sales and Marketing and Operations. Her background as a corporate executive paired with her marketing expertise is extraordinary. She has compiled an impressive track record of growing million dollar businesses.
Dr. Levine provides on-site coaching/training, workshops, and telephone coaching. She is a masterful speaker who is dynamic and makes a great opening keynote speaker.
More"Turn Your Passion into profits in 30 days"
Speaker Dr. Terri Levine
Unlock your true inner passion and see how to create high income coaching programs coming from your passion and learn the simple, easy, 3-step formula that will allow you to create massive coaching income doing what you love and making a real difference in the lives of others. This 3-step formula has allowed over 5200 coaches around the world to create $10-$30,000 a month quickly while receiving rave reviews from their clients!